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Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine is often used when conventional medicine is unable to respond or complement it. FORPREV's Unconventional Medicine department has practices whose treatment is focused on the patient and not on the symptom of the disease.

Osteopathy is a therapy based on applying manual techniques, similar to massages, to help in the recovery, maintenance and restoration of the balance between body and mind.


Osteopatia Desportiva

Sports osteopathy plays an important role in the athlete's health and performance. The osteopath will know how to recognize and treat the real causes of pain that are limiting the practice of any sporting activity, whether it is practiced by amateurs or by high performance athletes.


Quiroprática Oriental

Oriental Chiropractic consists of realigning the spine, through manipulations, after a muscle relaxation massage, to eliminate pain and bring well-being, through a completely painless and highly effective process.


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